In today’s episode, I’m dispelling some of the perceptions, or rather misperceptions, of this homesteading life. I reflect on what I thought homesteading was going to look like when I first started researching, to how I view it now. Most importantly, I share about the challenge of valuing the things that transition from romantic to familiar.

One question we get asked repeatedly is, “If you had to do it all over again, what would you do differently?” Another one is, “What are some mistakes you made out of ignorance that you’d do differently now?”
We have an entire podcast episode on the mistakes we made. And we did a really fun series of podcasts answering your questions on various topics:
I’ve also done some episodes for people just getting into homesteading called “So You Want to Be a Homesteader?” Another one is called “The Hard and Worth Work of Homesteading.” And one more about why I homestead.
All of those are definitely worth listening to. Today’s podcast is all about perceptions and misperceptions.

In This Episode
Many times, we come up with an idea of what something is or should be like, and when we get into the thick of it, we realize it’s not at all what we expected.
In this podcast, I’m discussing some of the misperceptions of homesteading.
- My perception of homesteading today is not the same as when I first started researching.
- My perception of homesteading today is not the same as when I first started YouTube.
- Our views and perceptions of things should grow and change. That’s healthy!
- How I never perceived that we’d ever be raising our own beef.
- My romantic version of homesteading vs. the reality.
- I want to be adaptable with my farm, and I want my dream to be adaptable with my means.
- The first full meal that I cooked from everything we raised 100% on our farm.
- How I like to tell the story of the food we partake in.
- The challenge of valuing the things that transition from romantic to familiar.
- The different layers of homesteading.