Lovely Words

Lovely Words

There are many times that things in this world just woo me, and I simply must put pen to paper and write about it. This is where I wax poetic about life. Grab some coffee and see the world through my eyes as I share these lovely words. May they inspire you as they do me.

Home Again.

I haven’t written in a while. Not just here. I haven’t written much at all.  Recipes, sure. My prayer journal, yes. But the creative flow of

The Solution to Crisis

I’ve been in bed for the better part of the last three days. It was a culmination of things that laid me down. It was

Sunflowers growing in the garden.

Carolina in the Summer

I love the smell of Carolina in the summer. When the sun is low and the peepers holler, the fragrance of the living earth rises and fills the air…

A butterfly on an orange flower.

Fully Alive

I feel sometimes like a collector. Waking up early, turning off the alarm before it has a chance
to rip through the still morning, brewing coffee in a dark and sleeping kitchen, I pocket the
treasure of being alive.

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Fall in Love with Gardening

A Book by Jessica

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