If talking about feelings and obscure things isn’t your jam, I encourage you to hang with me for just a minute. Today’s podcast is sharing a bit of my own mindset and how I experience wonder on a daily basis. Living life with my eyes open to the beautiful world around me.

I made this post to social media the other day and I think it encapsulates this podcast well…
Sometimes I like to ask people “What do you love?”
The answer could be who you love, it could be the big and obvious loves of life. But my favorite things to hear about are the little loves, the loves that show me someone is living with their eyes fully open.
I love when the sunshine kisses the tree tops on an autumn evening, branding them with fire and passion and the wasting away of the summer light. I love the smell of horse sweat and the sound of milk hitting a pail beneath a thousand pound cow that stands in submission to me. I love when the great blue heron flies over the pond, that lanky creature being immediately transformed into majesty. I love early morning, sweet Miah, the way my sons look in skinny legged pajamas and warm egg shells in my hand as I stand beside the coop.
The wonderful thing about acknowledging little loves beside big ones is that there’s no pressure, no limit, no need to prioritize. Of course I love Jesus more than fried eggs on toast but I’m sure he doesn’t mind if breakfast pops in my head first.
Tell me please (because I love when you do), what do you love?
In This Podcast
- How spirituality and mystics get misunderstood. The book Practical Mysticism by Evelyn Underhill.
- The importance of engaging with people on a spiritual level.
- Are you an “Eyes” or a “No Eyes” person?
- We were created to be in community, and in community is security and safety.
- Don’t mistake something that’s uncommon as wrong.
- For me, engaging in wonder is living with eyes.
- Until we can have eyes to see everything that’s going on around us in this world, we will not engage as we were meant to.
- We were created for a garden but are living on a battlefield.
- Learning to experience gratitude amid extreme pain.
- Permaculture is the relationship of all things. Listen to this podcast on Permaculture with Wil Kunkle.