How to Separate Seedlings

Tiny seed starting pots with seedlings growing.

Learn how to separate seedlings of tomato, pepper, or other plants to replant (or pot up) before you transplant seedlings into your garden.

The Best Raised Garden Bed Soil

Two Vego garden beds with a sunflower garden decoration.

Learn how to prepare your container gardens (raised or pot) with healthy rich soil to put your plants in the best possible position to thrive.

How to Start a Compost Pile

A man's hands holding compost.

Come along with us as we learn composting 101, and step by step how to start a compost pile using the Berkeley 18 day method.

Tips For Growing Cut Flowers

A man picking a bouquet of flowers in the garden.

You can enjoy fresh bouquets with the best cut flowers all season by growing them direct from seed in your own garden using these easy tips.