Eyes and No Eyes
Today’s podcast is sharing a bit of my own mindset and how I experience wonder on a daily basis. Living life with my eyes open to the beautiful world around me.
Embracing Uncomfortable
Join me and Leah as we discuss embracing the uncomfortable. We both know from current and past experiences that much comfort comes from being uncomfortable.
Music, Gardening & Creativity
For many people, music, gardening and creativity may not go hand and hand, but for me and my guest on this podcast episode, they absolutely do. Join me and Daniel as we discuss all things creative and their meaning in our lives.
Daniel’s Journey to Beulah
Let me introduce you to Daniel and share the special place he holds in our lives. Plus, he’ll be sharing a bit about his journey to Beulah, our coffee roasting business we’re opening up here in Batesburg, SC.
Don’t Forget to Prepare (Being Prepared for the Unexpected)
Being prepared is important, but it isn’t everything. Fear pushes you, but wisdom leads you. It’s my hope that through this video and podcast you’ll be encouraged to tap into the wisdom and let it lead you to get prepared.
The Leaves Are Green
I hear all the time that you all want me to do more devotional-style content. This is one that was recorded almost a year ago now (back in 2022), and it’s near and dear to my heart. I hope you enjoy it in either video or podcast format below.
What’s That In Your Hand?
The truth remains that there’s no better time than now to look at what’s in your hand, then ask yourself what you can do with what you already have.
I Would Rather Be Silent
I used to ask permission to say the wrong thing, but then I learned the hard way that the wrong things is rarely advised.
The Simple Step
Truth is, there is an ever-raging battle in the depths of my heart. It is waged between two minds, one that wants simple and another that demands extraordinary.
The Earth is Enough for Me to Know
the earth is enough, the rising of the sun, the seedling breaking through, the way my body bleeds to give life to generations, the earth is enough for me to know that you are good.