Farm Life
Farm Life
It's about to get messy! Farm animals and farm life is up early and gettin' dirty...and we love it!
The Home Dairy (Raising Dairy Animals)
When it comes to raising a dairy animal at home, there are many things to consider. In this post, I’m breaking down the types of dairy animals, things to consider when choosing an animal, milking tips, and things to know before bringing your dairy animal home.
Homesteading & Hungry
Join me on this podcast episode with Lisa from Homesteading and Hungry as we discuss all things homesteading.
Don’t Forget to Prepare (Being Prepared for the Unexpected)
Being prepared is important, but it isn’t everything. Fear pushes you, but wisdom leads you. It’s my hope that through this video and podcast you’ll be encouraged to tap into the wisdom and let it lead you to get prepared.
So You Want to Be a Homesteader?
Join me for this podcast and hear my words of encouragement on how we can celebrate the little things that, when added up together, create the change that we desire to see in today’s culture.
ol' farmers Jess and Miah share on crazy goats, milk cows and other animals.
Roots and Refuge on YouTube
It's messing, it's never convenient, and we love every minute of it! Farm Life Videos
Why we chose this name for our NEW PUPPY | VLOG
February 23, 2022 7:37 pm
Milking just got easier (And a big announcement!) | VLOG
February 14, 2022 6:21 pm
You CAN'T name her THAT! | VLOG
February 4, 2022 4:44 pm
Calf Watch is Officially OVER! (Helen's Calving) | VLOG
January 30, 2022 3:30 pm
January 28, 2022 7:06 pm
It's got to come out sometime (Also, Planting ONIONS and GARLIC) | VLOG
January 27, 2022 5:59 pm
Preparing the birthing stall (and taking care of myself) | VLOG
January 21, 2022 4:29 pm
We are on calf watch (and I have so much to learn) | VLOG
January 18, 2022 8:01 pm
The barn stall progress (Always thinking of the Worst Case Scenerio) | VLOG
January 17, 2022 7:11 pm