Someone Else’s Life

A woman leaning on a doorway smiling.

I want a window to your reality
so long it matches mine. But do not
think a different thought
and do not blind me by your shine.
Do not grow taller than I dare to grow,
don’t run faster than I run.
Your marriage should be solemn,
I think you’re having too much fun.

Your children should be tamer,
your hair should be tamed too.
Your plans make me feel small,
so let me show you what to do.
Shut down all this fulfillment,
give up these crazy dreams,
find a couch and a remote
and a window on a screen.
Find their vulnerability and sharpen up
your knife and find yourself a purpose
carving someone else’s life.


A woman sitting on a raised garden bed journalling.

I want to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we've learned along the way. Welcome to Roots and Refuge, friend. I am so glad you're here.

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