This is how I have known the
Glory of Yahweh,
not in the lights and sound of a
church service but in the itch of a weedy walkway
on bare feet
and by a small wayward insect traveling up my
tanned thigh and the way
beauty shines in the summer growth
as it goes wild in the July heat.
This is how I have known his Goodness,
in abundance in spite of loss
And growth in spite of pain.
The perfect design built by
organic imperfection screams the
gospel the way the killdeer screams
and the cicadas.
And woven in the midst of beauty and
strain, in discomfort and fulfillment,
His love woos me hard and fierce.
His voice whispers and I walk in the cool
of the day and know,
without doubt,
He made me for this garden
And He made this garden for me.