Daniel’s Journey to Beulah
Let me introduce you to Daniel and share the special place he holds in our lives. Plus, he’ll be sharing a bit about his journey to Beulah, our coffee roasting business we’re opening up here in Batesburg, SC.
Carolina in the Summer
I love the smell of Carolina in the summer. When the sun is low and the peepers holler, the fragrance of the living earth rises and fills the air…
Honor & How it Affects Every Aspect of Our Lives
Honor, what does it mean in regard to our everyday life? And how does honor look in our gardening and animal husbandry?
Fully Alive
I feel sometimes like a collector. Waking up early, turning off the alarm before it has a chance
to rip through the still morning, brewing coffee in a dark and sleeping kitchen, I pocket the
treasure of being alive.
I Will See You Soon
You see, there isn’t much left of a mother after everyone has had their share. And the piece I had, I wanted to keep, to put my name on it and place it on a high, safe shelf, out of reach of tiny, grasping hands.
The Art of Hosting Well
The art of hosting well is something that’s learned over time. Most people I know aren’t incredible hosts (or hostesses) on their first try. If you’re anything like me, you may shy away from hosting because of social pressure, being an introvert, or having a “messy” house. But I’m here to say hosting has its many benefits as well.
The Garden
The garden is the earth well loved, the very wild cultivated with rhythm and fidelity…
Dealing With Seasons of Overwhelm
Inevitably, we all deal with seasons of overwhelm in our lives. My overwhelm may not look a whole lot like your overwhelm, but these seasons must be handled with care.
The Exact Kind of Love Story I Live For
Perched on a stool in the morning light, captivated by your hands as they gingerly crack the colorful shells of eggs you gathered yesterday.
Barefoot in the Garden
Of all the pains I’ve known, of loss and heartsickness and physical woe, I have yet to find a pain that is not made a lighter load…