Answering Your Questions – Gardening Edition

There are so many questions when it comes to growing a garden, and answers can vary from location to location. It’s my desire to hold the garden gate open for all people who have the desire to grow food. In this episode of the podcast, I’m sharing my gardening answers to your most frequently asked questions.
Gardening For Beginners

If you know people in your life who want to learn to garden, it’s so helpful to be able to teach them. Knowing what they need to know, what they don’t need to know, and giving them just the right amount of information to keep them from getting too overwhelmed.
How to Make Compost Tea

Learn to make your own compost tea and fertilize your garden for incredible growth and healthy soil filled with life.
No-Till Gardening (The Various Methods)

No till gardening improves soil structure and health while suppressing weeds. Learn how to start your own no till garden with this tutorial.
The Best Raised Garden Bed Soil

Learn how to prepare your container gardens (raised or pot) with healthy rich soil to put your plants in the best possible position to thrive.
How to Start a Compost Pile

Come along with us as we learn composting 101, and step by step how to start a compost pile using the Berkeley 18 day method.