The Earth is Enough for Me to Know

Close up of a green tomato on the vine.

the earth is enough, the rising of the sun, the seedling breaking through, the way my body bleeds to give life to generations, the earth is enough for me to know that you are good.

For the Love of Food

A woman taking a photo of something she cooked.

I love food. In the healthiest way. It’s not my main source of comfort, though it is comforting. It’s not my main source of joy, though I do find joy in it. It’s not something I feel enslaved to at all, though I’m very thankful for the freedom it gives me.

Empty Hands

Frozen tomatoes on a vine.

This morning, a thin blanket of ice crystals stretched across the homestead. The pasture was studded white, the pond slightly frozen…

How to Dry Herbs

Dehydrator filled with trays of herbs.

Fresh herbs make food taste much better! If you can’t grow herbs all year long, learn how to dry herbs. You can air dry, use an oven or a dehydrator.

A Night in the Garden

Garden arches with plants growing up and over them.

I sat in the garden until after dark tonight. I rarely do. Kids need dinner and baths. The laundry needs to be moved over and the kitchen needs to be cleaned up. But tonight, I stayed out and left the rest to wait.

The Story in a Seed

Tiny seed starting pots with seedlings growing.

Years ago, when my oldest son Jackson was around six years old, my husband asked him what he thought I might like for my birthday. Jackson thought long and hard, and as if a light bulb suddenly burned above his head, he exclaimed, “I know! Catalogs!”

Farmer’s Market Shopping Tips – Ways to Make the Most of the Market

A harvest basket filled with fresh picked produce from the garden.

Learn the best farmer’s market shopping tips before you shop. The trick to finding the best vendor to sell you what you need lies in asking the right questions.

Water Bath Canning-An Introduction to Canning

Various jars of stacked canned foods.

Water bath canning is a method used in home food preservation in which you submerge jars in boiling water for the specified time on a recipe.

Garlic Aioli Recipe – The Dipping Sauce You Didn’t Know You Needed

Aioli in a clear glass bowl.

Easy garlic aioli recipe made with mayonnaise can be used as a dipping sauce or spread. It may be used as is or make it spicy, chipotle, or add lemon.

The Five Reasons Why We Homestead

Picture of a garden with a greenhouse and barn in the background.

Are you interested in homesteading? Have you been dreaming of a simpler life? I want to encourage you to step out in faith! I’m sharing our five top reasons why we began this lifestyle and why we never intend to change.