Lovely Words

Lovely Words

There are many times that things in this world just woo me, and I simply must put pen to paper and write about it. This is where I wax poetic about life. Grab some coffee and see the world through my eyes as I share these lovely words. May they inspire you as they do me.
A woman sitting on a raised garden bed journalling.

The Simple Step

Truth is, there is an ever-raging battle in the depths of my heart. It is waged between two minds, one that wants simple and another that demands extraordinary.

A woman leaning on a doorway smiling.

Someone Else's Life

I want a window to your reality so long it matches mine. But do not think a different thought and do not blind me by your shine.

A man and woman holding hands, sitting in rocking chairs.

Loving You is Like…

Loving you is like putting my feet in cool water on a blistering day. When the sun is sweltering and the world might just suffocate me, there you are, running over me, bringing relief in the humblest of ways.

Close up of a green tomato on the vine.

The Earth is Enough for Me to Know

the earth is enough, the rising of the sun, the seedling breaking through, the way my body bleeds to give life to generations, the earth is enough for me to know that you are good.

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