Lovely Words

Lovely Words

There are many times that things in this world just woo me, and I simply must put pen to paper and write about it. This is where I wax poetic about life. Grab some coffee and see the world through my eyes as I share these lovely words. May they inspire you as they do me.
A little boy holding a chicken.

I Will See You Soon

You see, there isn’t much left of a mother after everyone has had their share. And the piece I had, I wanted to keep, to put my name on it and place it on a high, safe shelf, out of reach of tiny, grasping hands.

A dog in the cottage garden.

The Garden

The garden is the earth well loved, the very wild cultivated with rhythm and fidelity…

Window greenhouse surrounded by a cottage garden.

Barefoot in the Garden

Of all the pains I’ve known, of loss and heartsickness and physical woe, I have yet to find a pain that is not made a lighter load…

More Garden Devotionals & Bible Studies

Fall in Love with Gardening

A Book by Jessica

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