

Is it a piece of property? A way of life?...or so much more!
A pail of fresh milk in a bucket from the cow.

The Home Dairy (Raising Dairy Animals)

When it comes to raising a dairy animal at home, there are many things to consider. In this post, I’m breaking down the types of dairy animals, things to consider when choosing an animal, milking tips, and things to know before bringing your dairy animal home.

The profile of a man with a barn in the background.

And I Marvel

… thousand-pound beasts will yield to him. he will spend his day conquering. and my hours will fill with nurturing and creating…

Chickens near a chicken tractor.

Homesteading & Hungry

Join me on this podcast episode with Lisa from Homesteading and Hungry as we discuss all things homesteading.

Roots and Refuge on YouTube

Gardening, animals, room to roam, peace, our family. Homesteading Videos

Fall in Love with Gardening

A Book by Jessica