Dealing With Seasons of Overwhelm

A willow tree next to two large greenhouses.

Inevitably, we all deal with seasons of overwhelm in our lives. My overwhelm may not look a whole lot like your overwhelm, but these seasons must be handled with care.

For the Love of Food

A woman taking a photo of something she cooked.

I love food. In the healthiest way. It’s not my main source of comfort, though it is comforting. It’s not my main source of joy, though I do find joy in it. It’s not something I feel enslaved to at all, though I’m very thankful for the freedom it gives me.

How to Eat Real Food & Where to Start

Woman holding up grocery store items.

Just because you have a garden and raise farm animals doesn’t mean it will all come together magically in the kitchen. So learning how to cook and eat real food is a critical homestead skill we should all have.

Herb Infused Oil for Skin Care

Dried herbs in a Mason jar with a woman pouring oil over the top.

You can learn to make this herb infused oil recipe using dry (not fresh) herbs combined with olive or coconut oil to use in DIY skin and hair products. 

How to Dry Herbs

Dehydrator filled with trays of herbs.

Fresh herbs make food taste much better! If you can’t grow herbs all year long, learn how to dry herbs. You can air dry, use an oven or a dehydrator.

Simple Basil Tea Recipe (Iced or Hot)

Basil iced tea in a glass with lemon wedges and fresh basil leaves.

Growing basil in the garden? Learn how to make this simple basil tea recipe to use up this delicious herb. Served hot or over ice, this recipe is a life changer.

Simple Lemon Balm Syrup Recipe

Close up of a lemon balm plant.

Learn to make this simple lemon balm syrup recipe with honey added. Use this syrup for suppressing a cough, sweetening lemonade, and even calming anxiety.